Biyernes, Disyembre 20, 2013

MACRO Activity

By using macro, you can do whatever you can in just seconds. You could manipulate the whole excel file with it. A macro-enabled worksheet sure would be fun.
In Macros, you could format fonts, create charts and fill color. By just pressing the shortcuts, the cell will automatically format itself.

During our activity, we made bold, underlined and italicized fonts, colored and filled cells, put borders, and produce charts. The special part of it is the game. We made a customized game using Macro. We created a Minesweeper-like game that you have to find the bomb. This activity involves recording macros, filling colors, and especially conditional formatting. When it’s red not yellow, you hit the jackpot! Fun game, right?


Another knowledge. Another challenge.
This day, we learned a new and important lesson in creating worksheets. A special function made to help us work faster.
Macro is a function which is at the same time, a command. It is a function that needs some recording. On the view page, you can create your self-made macro. Just record it, do the command you want to make, and stop recording. Make sure that you made your own shortcut. Then, by typing the keys, you could make the changes in just a short period of time. Macros are made for functions needed for multiple cells. It is made for us not to format cells one by one.

Macro is a great example of a machine. An automatic machine.

Group Activity

Paul and Kiwi. This is our team. We are assigned to do an Excel worksheet about datas in we created a file about charts.
We collected some datas from the website that shows people and their percentages of life and work. We divided each category per sheet. Each category is mostly consisted of population, age, percentage and number of births/deaths. And for each data, we made a chart.

A chart that corresponds to the set of data that you collected. These charts show comparison, division and emphasis to the amount or number of data. These charts are the easier way. It is an illustration that shows graphs. And these graphs will show the difference without a word. 


This one is the last but not the easiest. The solver is one of the hardest worksheets that we did. It is consisted of 5 sheets. Each sheet contains a formula that I need to redo. Not just creating representations and formulas, you have to apply a mathematical solution to it. It is mostly consisted of areas, volumes, quadratic expression and also theory of relativity. We have to copy exactly the formula in our excel sheet. Also, that formula must be double checked to be correct. This solver is a practice for us so that we don’t have to solve charts manually but automatically.

Grades Rubric

In this activity, Sir Tom gave us a real grading sheet that could record our grades in actual. We are left with a grading sheet that is composed of recordings of our exams, quizzes, tests, projects, and others. We must get the average of each category based on its percentage. We must apply the formula making in the process. We must also get the final average.

At the last part, we must create a remark. We must create a conditional formatting that states the condition for the final average. It is fun… yet it’s hard.


This is the first time we made an activity about excel. And it is about creating IF conditions that also involve conditional formatting. Enter a value in a cell. Create a condition that corresponds to the value of the cell. This is one of the hardest parts because I must make the right condition for the rank to appear correctly. (for the first time)

Another one in the activity is the conditional formatting. You have to format the condition of the value. The right color must be with the right rank. Just also the right format for the condition. I know, I have found new knowledge today. And I’m sure that this is just the beginning.  


Since, Microsoft Excel is my favorite Microsoft program, I am always excited to learn something new about this worksheet. But, learning the classics isn't that bad. This time, I learned how to create charts in the Microsoft Excel worksheet.
In creating charts, you first have to make tables that contain datas. Then you can convert those datas into charts in the insert page. You can also modify it in any kind.
Easy right, easy as an apple pie (chart)...


One of the best function Excel has made is the IF condition. A condition in which you can freely use rules. You have nothing to do in creating a function.
Just if…
In it, you could make rules that satisfy the cell’s number. Or you could create one thing that is connected to the formula. You could also format it in any ways. The IF condition is so cool that in a matter of seconds you can turn your worksheet into many different formats. Every condition you create, every good result you will see.

It’s an easy function, you can use it all the time to lighten your work. It will be mostly used to create a representation of a data. To create a condition that could satisfy the information with its corresponding condition. Only if… the construction of the rule is right.


In Microsoft Excel, almost everything is about math solving. And this program is almost ready for your basic math needs. It has the enough tools to make life easier. And those are the things that we have to know and get familiar with.
In the program, there are already some formulas stored. We just have to fill them datas and use them properly. In a blink of an eye, you will have the final answer. It’s easy as that as well as you know how to use it correctly.

The other good thing that we could use is the functions. Not just the stored functions, you can freely create some for your worksheet. There are so many rules and conditions that we could use to create useful functions. To make your amount of time and energy saved. Only we could know how to use three special features for your excel, your work will be a piece of cake. They are designed for you to use it wisely.   

Miyerkules, Disyembre 18, 2013

New Chapter

"New chapter, new story."
Finally, Microsoft Powerpoint is done. And I am going to see another part of my computer learning book. And I'm quite happy, I'm gonna learn something I am interested and familiar with.
Microsoft Excel.